
About JGB Smart Property

JGB Smart Property offers software-as-a-service (SaaS) application for residential property management. Aim to help small and medium-sized property management firms growing their business rapidly.
Industry: IoT / SaaS
Founded Date: April 3, 2018

JGB's Zero-Touch Rental Management Platform

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, several confirmed cases in Taiwan and Japan are due to close contact. In terms of lodging needs, the rental business and the rental housing group are in high-risk. Both need to be in contact with people under the epidemic situation to meet the needs of housing. Therefore, it increases the chance of being infected. Among those people, the first-line rental service providers that solve the rental needs of both parties are in high-risk, since they have to be with the clients in person to show them the houses. To reduce close contact with crowds and the risk of cross-infection, our startup JGB Smart Property developed a zero-contact property management platform that changed the traditional rental market.

It only requires a mobile phone or a tablet to manage those leased objects, online contracts, and even online rental payment. Also, you can easily keep pace with the tenant, lease, and rent regulations. More and more property management companies are actively working with JGB Smart Property and introduced their platform into their business model, which is expected to improve management efficiency. To reduce the risk of close contact, the signing of documents and operations are all online, eliminating the cost of document delivery and time waste. Since remote signing is already an inevitable trend, JGB Smart Property will use this “zero-touch” service to protect your health and find suitable lodging for people in need.

The founding team has more than 20 years of experience in the real estate industry and property management in Taiwan and abroad, along with 15 years of experience in e-commerce. The property management platform took two years of planning and development under precise user needs. It is combined with IoT devices (online cameras, smart doors and locks) which provides a new option for the leasing and escrow companies that provide services in leasing residency and office management. Through their platform, managing leased items became easier, and it greatly reduces the chance of close contact between people!

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Jay Hsueh


  • 社團法人亞太加速器網絡協會監事
  • 奧樂科技行銷顧問


  • 澳洲昆士蘭大學商學研究所碩士
  • 台北大學應用外語系學士


  • 2013/08-2014/12順聯國際有限公司創辦人/執行長
  • 2012/07-2012/12 UniQuest 投資專員


  • 1. 創業管理/新創事業發展與管理/新創事業策略管理
  • 2. 財務規劃與分析
  • 3. 產業分析與市場研究

於澳洲留學期間專注於創新與創業學程,並獲得澳洲UniQuest 邀請成為投資計畫專案研究員,於澳洲參與新創事業投資評估以及輔導。2014 年協助奧樂科技行銷並獲得亞太資訊奧斯卡(APICTA)優勝。專長在於科學研究成果商業化、國際行銷、創新與研發管理,並具有創業以及輔導育成經歷。