
Corporate Innovation


Stay Ahead of the Future 領航未來

With ever-evolving technology, the market landscape is growing at a faster pace than ever. The market is more demanding and people are hungry for new solutions. What’s exciting is that this has created many opportunities, so it is absolutely crucial to catch the wave at the right time.

In order to stay relevant and remain competitive, INNOVATION is the key.


IAPS Value 共創價值

If you’re looking to reinvent yourself, launch new products/services, source new innovations, IAPS is here to help. Through our startup network and accelerator programs, you will work with the many talented entrepreneurs to drive change in your industry.

IAPS 協助促進大企業與新創之間的價值交換,服務內容包含商發合作目標擬定、評估媒合、資源鏈結、跟催輔導、 加值服務補助等。

Get Involved 合作方式

Share Your Expertise 支持型服務

Share your expertise with our startups, such as legal advice, accounting services, consulting, marketing channels, mentorship


Startup Events 新創活動

Cohost startup-related events such as matchmaking events, application orientation, industry keynote, etc.


Open Innovation 企業加速

Identify business needs and source the best startups to spark Proof of Concept engagements. IAPS will involve our network to fast-track the partnership development and to ensure goal alignments. Successful outcomes may include new innovation initiatives, business and product development, and new M&A opportunities.

針對企業創新出題,提供概念驗證 (PROOF OF CONCEPT) 機會 ,透過 IAPS 導入輔導及資源網絡,加速新創產品的市場驗證,並協助市場對接。

Corporate Venture Capital 企業投資

Invest directing into startup companies to achieve both strategic and financial goals and outcomes. Strategic goals include directly or indirectly increase the sales and profits of your company by incorporating new technologies, identifying acquisition targets, and accessing new resources. Financially, investment exits, such as IPO or the sale of a company’s stakes, can generate great returns to investors.


Membership Perks 服務

Local & Global Startups for Technical & Sales Partnerships

1. 針對中小企業及大型企業與新創間的合作,提供客製化的服務,IAPS在供應端或銷售端的協助,將依企業的產品在所屬產業鏈上的定位而定,提供國內外新創團隊的技術或銷售合作。

Solution-driven Networking Events

2. IAPS也會在企業會員之間串連商業或技術合作的機會並舉辦相關交流的活動。

Collaborations via Our Global Events

3. 可參與IAPS中心所屬之任何計畫的活動,包括國內與國際的商展,募資,媒合推廣及技術發表等活動。國際包括:日本/泰國/新加坡/法國/荷蘭等地區。

Collaborations via Our Strategic Partners

4. IAPS 的各機構策略合作夥伴將可協助企業會員在銷售市場及供應商的選擇上,解決企業經營上的問題。

Startups for Investment

5. IAPS也與大企業的投資部門合作,由IAPS提供中小企業或新創公司名單,讓大企業投資部門參考並省去找案源的成本。

Goal 目標


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Jay Hsueh


  • 社團法人亞太加速器網絡協會監事
  • 奧樂科技行銷顧問


  • 澳洲昆士蘭大學商學研究所碩士
  • 台北大學應用外語系學士


  • 2013/08-2014/12順聯國際有限公司創辦人/執行長
  • 2012/07-2012/12 UniQuest 投資專員


  • 1. 創業管理/新創事業發展與管理/新創事業策略管理
  • 2. 財務規劃與分析
  • 3. 產業分析與市場研究

於澳洲留學期間專注於創新與創業學程,並獲得澳洲UniQuest 邀請成為投資計畫專案研究員,於澳洲參與新創事業投資評估以及輔導。2014 年協助奧樂科技行銷並獲得亞太資訊奧斯卡(APICTA)優勝。專長在於科學研究成果商業化、國際行銷、創新與研發管理,並具有創業以及輔導育成經歷。