


【Event】1/8-1/10 iCAN 計畫北中南三場說明會,歡迎報名參加!

iCAN 計畫將於 2019/1/8 (二)-1/10(四) 舉辦北中南三場說明會,歡迎有興趣的新創團隊報名參加!
會中將計畫承辦人員將詳細介紹 iCAN 2019 規劃,還有各領域的特邀講師分享創業資源、創業心法與財務架構等專題講座。
誠摯邀請全台各大學院校及相關新創企業一同參與,瞭解 iCAN 計畫核心理念,並交流相關新創議題。


說明會時間地點:(最新動態資訊敬請鎖定 iCAN 粉絲專頁 ,歡迎各位新創團隊、育成中心先進們參加 !)
◆中部場 1/08 (二) 13:00-16:30 @中科管理局智慧機器人自造基地 1 樓簡報室 (台中巿大雅區科雅路6號)
◆南部場 1/09 (三) 13:00-15:20 @南臺科大創新創業育成中心 B104 會議室 (台南市新市區南科二路 12 號)
◆北部場 1/10 (四) 13:00-16:00 @新北創力坊 (新北市三重區重新路一段108號3樓)

1. 各大專院校創新育成中心經理人
2. 各大專院校教師研究團隊
3. 已技術移轉獲專利授權各大專院校之新創企業團隊,惟核心產品須結合或衍伸自科技部研發成果

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Jay Hsueh

Current Job Position

Supervisor, (APEC Accelerator Network, AAN)


  • M.A. in Queensland Graduate School of Business
  • Bachelor, Applied Foreign Languages, NTPU


  • CEO/Founder, 順聯國際股份有限公司 (2013/08-2014/12)
  • Investment Specialist, UniQuest  (2012/07-2012/12)


  1. entrepreneurial management /new venture development and management /new venture strategy management
  2. Financial plan and analysis
  3. Marketing Research and Industry Analysis

During studying in Australia, Jay focused on innovation and startup courses, after invited to by UniQuest to be the researcher of the investment program, he participated in investment evaluation and consulting of startup businesses. In 2014, Jay was awarded by the APICTA for advising marketing strategy for the oTHE Technology Inc. In addition to specializing in commercializing the achievement of scientific research, international marketing, and management of innovation and development, Jay also had the experience of startup and incubation advising.