


【Media】交大IAPS Award六新創獲獎 加速國際鏈結(新唐人電視台)

【新唐人亞太台 2018 年 01 月 12 日訊】再來看到,由交大產業加速器中心(IAPS)主辦的第二屆IAPS Award,今天(12日)舉行頒獎典禮,從近百家新創企業遴選出6家,產業包括大數據分析、智慧醫療等領域,展現潮流趨勢,為幫助新創團隊加速與國際鏈結,頒獎現場也舉行兩場MOU簽約,對象是台灣光寶科技和泰國軟體育成中心,促進多方交流。


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Jay Hsueh

Current Job Position

Supervisor, (APEC Accelerator Network, AAN)


  • M.A. in Queensland Graduate School of Business
  • Bachelor, Applied Foreign Languages, NTPU


  • CEO/Founder, 順聯國際股份有限公司 (2013/08-2014/12)
  • Investment Specialist, UniQuest  (2012/07-2012/12)


  1. entrepreneurial management /new venture development and management /new venture strategy management
  2. Financial plan and analysis
  3. Marketing Research and Industry Analysis

During studying in Australia, Jay focused on innovation and startup courses, after invited to by UniQuest to be the researcher of the investment program, he participated in investment evaluation and consulting of startup businesses. In 2014, Jay was awarded by the APICTA for advising marketing strategy for the oTHE Technology Inc. In addition to specializing in commercializing the achievement of scientific research, international marketing, and management of innovation and development, Jay also had the experience of startup and incubation advising.