


【Media】全球48隊運動科技新創 角逐臺灣運動科技加速器第五期培訓

HYPE SPIN ACCELERATOR TAIWAN舉辦 5th Cycle Kickoff Bootcamp,遴選出全球最具潛力的運動新創公司進入第五期培訓計畫。第五期徵案共計48隊國內外團隊報名,將從中篩選出10隊優秀新創團隊進入加速器計畫,新創公司包含數據偵測、運動社群平台、運動訓練創新應用、運動娛樂、場域管理應用等領域,其中更有來自美國、加拿大、法國、西班牙、約旦及香港等地的國際運動新創團隊積極爭取培訓資格。

第五期培訓計畫獲選團隊:knckff(臺灣)、ASTERIA Electronics Toys(臺灣)、Hikingbook(臺灣)、Feegam(臺灣)、Joe Athlete(臺灣) 、OSENSE Technology(臺灣)、FitBiomics(美國) 、WeavAir(加拿大) 、VAVEL(西班牙) 、Diggin’ Limited(香港) 、Fanera(約旦)。 第5期專案啟動日(Kickoff Bootcamp)亦特別安排運動創新科技相關講座,邀請國立交通大學產業加速器中心(IAPS)執行長林伯恒、迪卡儂創新設計與原型製作主管范宏章與優秀畢業團隊勁格貝爾運動科技(Jingletek)執行長林敬倫、優力勁聯(Uniigym)執行長林煜傑分享迪卡儂與新創團隊的合作經驗,經由雙方觀點讓與會者更深入了解企業與新創團隊間的合作發展。


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Jay Hsueh

Current Job Position

Supervisor, (APEC Accelerator Network, AAN)


  • M.A. in Queensland Graduate School of Business
  • Bachelor, Applied Foreign Languages, NTPU


  • CEO/Founder, 順聯國際股份有限公司 (2013/08-2014/12)
  • Investment Specialist, UniQuest  (2012/07-2012/12)


  1. entrepreneurial management /new venture development and management /new venture strategy management
  2. Financial plan and analysis
  3. Marketing Research and Industry Analysis

During studying in Australia, Jay focused on innovation and startup courses, after invited to by UniQuest to be the researcher of the investment program, he participated in investment evaluation and consulting of startup businesses. In 2014, Jay was awarded by the APICTA for advising marketing strategy for the oTHE Technology Inc. In addition to specializing in commercializing the achievement of scientific research, international marketing, and management of innovation and development, Jay also had the experience of startup and incubation advising.