


【Event】#9商業培訓 Wrap-up

由 IAPS 交通大學產業加速器中心所帶領的第九期團隊在 4 月 20 日舉辦了第二場的「商業價值管理課程活動」。此次共邀請了李偉俠講師向各個深具潛力的新創分享了新創團隊適用的商業模式建立方式,也邀請到來自 KPMG 安侯建業的黃海寧會計師,協助新創團隊們建立股權設計的重要基本觀念。而課程的壓軸,由黃沛聲律師分享募資談判的重要心法與估值計算案例分享,帶領新創從投資人的觀點檢視自己如何在談判以及公司股權結構上做得更好,我們相信團隊們經過此次的課程都已經滿載而歸。

期望在接受 IAPS 的輔導之下,帶來資深創業家、專業會計師、以及專業經理人們的資源分享投入,為臺灣新創注入更多新的養分。


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Jay Hsueh

Current Job Position

Supervisor, (APEC Accelerator Network, AAN)


  • M.A. in Queensland Graduate School of Business
  • Bachelor, Applied Foreign Languages, NTPU


  • CEO/Founder, 順聯國際股份有限公司 (2013/08-2014/12)
  • Investment Specialist, UniQuest  (2012/07-2012/12)


  1. entrepreneurial management /new venture development and management /new venture strategy management
  2. Financial plan and analysis
  3. Marketing Research and Industry Analysis

During studying in Australia, Jay focused on innovation and startup courses, after invited to by UniQuest to be the researcher of the investment program, he participated in investment evaluation and consulting of startup businesses. In 2014, Jay was awarded by the APICTA for advising marketing strategy for the oTHE Technology Inc. In addition to specializing in commercializing the achievement of scientific research, international marketing, and management of innovation and development, Jay also had the experience of startup and incubation advising.